Mar 3, 2007
The stage we built for the karaoke

Mar 3, 2007
Lucinda's birthday cake

Mar 3, 2007
Playing Twister at the party

Mar 3, 2007
The girls doing karaoke

Mar 3, 2007
Playing Duck Duck Goose

Mar 3, 2007
Lucinda at her birthday party

Feb 25, 2007
Lucinda and Stan at the Tour of California bike race in Long Beach

Feb 25, 2007
At the Tour of California in Long Beach

Feb 4, 2007
Petting a puppy at Guide Dogs of America

Jan 26, 2007
Dressed up for 'wear your team jersey day' at school

Jan 6, 2007
In the surf at Santa Monica Beach

Jan 5, 2007
On the deck of the Russian submarine in Long Beach

Jan 5, 2007
Inside the Russian submarine in Long Beach

Jan 5, 2007
Inside the Russian submarine in Long Beach

Jan 5, 2007
Lucinda on the Queen Mary in Long Beach

Jan 5, 2007
Doing a word puzzle at lunch on the Queen Mary