May 28, 2007
Poking around the ruins of the Echo Mountain powerhouse

May 28, 2007
Lucinda and Stan on top of Echo Mountain

Apr 27, 2007
Lucinda and one of her puffles

Apr 27, 2007
Lucinda and her two puffles

Apr 12, 2007
Looking at spectral lines at the California Science Center

Apr 12, 2007
Trying on the wings

Apr 12, 2007
It was a very windy day

Apr 12, 2007
Lucinda and Hanna try on their 3D glasses for the IMAX movie

Mar 31, 2007
Writing her name in the sand at Seal Beach

Mar 31, 2007
Cathy and Lucinda at Walt's Wharf in Seal Beach

Mar 31, 2007
Stan and Lucinda at Walt's Wharf in Seal Beach

Mar 31, 2007
At Walt's Wharf in Seal Beach for the 21st anniversary of our first date

Mar 3, 2007
Opening presents

Mar 3, 2007
Opening presents

Mar 3, 2007
Blowing out her candles

Mar 3, 2007
Lucinda and her birthday candles