Dec 25, 2004
Trying out the sleeping bag

Dec 25, 2004
With Aunt Maggi in the sleeping bag

Dec 25, 2004
Lucinda likes her Cabbage Patch Kid

Dec 22, 2004
At the USGS holiday party

Dec 22, 2004
At the USGS holiday party

Dec 20, 2004
Making cookies with Mommy

Dec 20, 2004
Making cookies with Mommy

Dec 14, 2004
The Don Benito Holiday Show

Dec 14, 2004
Lucinda and Daddy after the show

Dec 14, 2004
Lucinda and Mommy after the show

Dec 14, 2004
Lucinda climbed this weird tree at her school

Dec 14, 2004
Playing at school

Dec 14, 2004
On top of the weird tree at school

Dec 13, 2004
The littlest tangerine

Dec 5, 2004
Making tamales with Daddy

Dec 5, 2004
Trying out the tamales