Apr 16, 2006
With Grandpa and Aunt Francesca

Apr 16, 2006
Lucinda and Aunt Francesca

Apr 15, 2006
Waiting for cake at a birthday party

Apr 14, 2006
Trying to launch the rocket at the science museum

Apr 11, 2006
Lucinda wanted to see if she could fly

Apr 11, 2006
Lucinda wanted to see if she could fly

Apr 1, 2006
In the bouncer at Janessa's birthday party

Apr 1, 2006
Swinging at the piñata

Apr 1, 2006
In the jumper again

Apr 1, 2006
Climbing up the jumper

Apr 1, 2006
Climbing up the slide in the jumper

Mar 18, 2006
Lucinda's new cell phone and the case we got for it in Chinatown

Mar 4, 2006
Playing on the monkey bars at Lucinda's birthday party

Mar 4, 2006
Aunt Maggi played Duck Duck Goose with the kids

Mar 4, 2006
Aunt Maggi played Duck Duck Goose with the kids

Mar 4, 2006
Playing the 'hat game'