Mar 8, 2009

Mar 8, 2009
Blowing out the candles

Mar 8, 2009

Mar 8, 2009

Mar 8, 2009
Lucinda and Mrs. Andrews

Mar 8, 2009
Lucinda with her birthday presents

Mar 3, 2009
I got Lucinda another platypus shirt for her birthday

Mar 3, 2009
Lucinda got a jewelry-making kit for her birthday

Mar 3, 2009
Lucinda's chocolate souffle for her birthday

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda and Claire at Disneyland

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda and Claire at the White Rabbit's door at Disneyland

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda and Claire on the Roger Rabbit ride at Disneyland

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda and Claire in the Toontown jail at Disneyland

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda and Claire at Goofy's house in Toontown at Disneyland

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda didn't want to go on Gadget's Coaster in Toontown at Disneyland

Feb 15, 2009
Lucinda and Claire with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland