Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Lucinda is growing up

Filed under: — stan @ 7:19 pm

Today was Lucinda’s first day of school. Don Benito has buses for the kids, so she decided she wanted to ride the bus. So we walked down to the corner with her and waited with her until the bus came. Then she got on and she was gone.


Hacking around

Filed under: — site admin @ 1:37 pm

I installed Gallery for some of our photo albums. It’s pretty nice, except that there was no link from the top level gallery to get out. So I hacked the ‘gallery.header.default’ file in ‘html_wrap’ to add a ‘home’ link.


School Days

Filed under: — stan @ 10:50 pm

Lucinda’s first day of school is Thursday. This evening we went to her Back-to-School picnic at Don Benito to see her classroom and meet her teachers. We got her a school shirt and met some of the other incoming kindergartners. There are pictures in her photo album.


Toluca Lake

Filed under: — stan @ 1:42 pm

Today’s ride was the ‘Toluca Lake Inverse’. This went through South Pasadena and Highland Park to Griffith Park. Then we rode past the L.A. Zoo, Travel Town, and Forest Lawn to our snack stop at Priscilla’s in Burbank. Then we came back through Glendale and La Canada, including riding up the infamous ‘Hospital Hill’ on Verdugo Blvd. I got a flat on the way out. I put on the spare tube, which turned out to have a slow leak, but I was able to make it the rest of the way and only had to stop to pump once. 42 miles.


A cautionary tale

Filed under: — stan @ 9:57 pm

Today we went to the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. In the American history hall, they had a small exhibit about transportation, including a license badge for cars produced under the Selden automobile patent. This patent was taken out in 1895 by George Selden, and it covered the automobile. He never built a working model, and he had no intention of going into the automobile manufacturing business, but he knew other people would be in years to come. So he got this patent and then proceeded to shake down the car makers for license fees. For some years, they paid, until Henry Ford challenged it in court. In the end, the patent was ruled invalid, since it was basically just a form of legal extortion. But it’s a lot like the current SCO case against Linux.

Later on, we were in a different part of the museum, and I saw a display of a stuffed hawk that, sadly, didn’t look very lifelike. The cobwebs sort of gave it away.

Still, it was a fun day, and Lucinda had fun. Pictures in her photo album.

Nice to spread the word

Filed under: — stan @ 9:10 am

I see that there is a link to my “I hate Texas” page on a blog called News to Hughes. Seems that the author spent a month in Texas and pretty much came to the same conclusions I did.

Funny thing is, there were a bunch of comments to his post, and almost all of the pro-Texas comments consisted of people calling him names and threatening him. Not exactly substantive argument. Of course, this is the sort of behavior that we always see from people who, deep down, know they’re wrong…


A pleasant afternoon ride

Filed under: — stan @ 7:27 pm

After work today, I went for a little bike ride. Up to Chantry Flat and back, complete with the four-mile uphill part. This time, I saw three (count ’em, three) cars and one other bicyclist on the road. For once, I saw the other cyclist when I was coming down and he was going up, so I got to see what the “I’m riding up a four-mile hill” face looks like on someone else. It was fun.

I hate hotlinking, too…

Filed under: — stan @ 3:32 pm

I saw from the statistics the the hotlinkers found my new site. They were eating bandwidth with images. So I set up a .htaccess file to put a stop to that. It’s not that the bandwidth is all that big of a deal now that I’m not self-hosted on a DSL connection, but it’s just plain bad manners to hotlink images from someone else’s site.


I hate spam

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:48 pm

We got our first comment spam today. It was terribly annoying. So annoying, in fact, that I went and implemented a simple CAPTCHA.


Nice light reading

Filed under: — stan @ 8:30 am

I just finished reading What’s the Matter With Kansas?. It’s an entertaining read, all about how conservatives and the Republican Party have managed to convince blue-collar people to support them and vote against their own best interests. It’s an entertaining book, well-written and funny, and he makes a serious point. Highly recommended.

For more on the idea of voting and self-interest, see “Self-interest & Voting” at Slacktivist.

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