This afternoon, Susan and I walked over to see the Rose Parade floats. It’s usually amusing to see them close-up, and it was a very nice day.
As a matter of hometown pride, Susan wanted her picture with the City of Alhambra float. I got mine with the train on the Roseville float.
There were a lot of seagulls perched on top of the high school. We don’t usually get seagulls this far inland, but I think they were just waiting for everyone to leave so they could swoop down and gorge on all the spilled popcorn, half-eaten churros, and other edible detritus left by the crowd.
And finally, the Rose Bowl game was starting while we were there, so we got to see the B-2 bomber fly over us on its way to the stadium.
Along with the bike ride this morning, and the martinis and steaks last night, this was easily the best start to a new year that I’ve ever had. It was a most excellent time.