Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Evening ride with no pictures

Filed under: — stan @ 8:25 pm

I went riding this evening after work, but there are no pictures. About five miles out, I realized that I’d left the camera on top of the filing cabinet by the back door. D’oh!

I rode down to the Rose Bowl to meet up with some other riders, but on the way there, I saw smoke from a brush fire over the hills behind the Bowl. So as it turned out, Verna was the only one who showed, since the others she had talked to had decided not to go after seeing the smoke. So we rode around a few times. The north end of the loop was kind of smoky, so it wasn’t good for riding hard. We tried going up Lida, but the smoke was thicker up there, so we bailed and headed back. Along the way, we passed another hot-rod mailbox in the neighborhood there. And I was very disappointed that I’d forgotten the camera. So we’ll have to go back to get a picture for my collection.

After a few laps, the smoke was getting thicker, so I bailed and headed home by way of South Pasadena and San Marino. There was no smoke there, and the ride home was fairly pleasant.

So it was an all right ride, but not especially good.

31 miles.

Artificial intelligence strikes again

Filed under: — stan @ 12:55 pm

Automated systems can be pretty stupid sometimes. There is some earthquake activity going on in the Gulf of California right now, and it’s generating a fair number of messages through the Earthquake Notification Service (aka, “My Pet Project“). In the messages, it gives the location of the earthquake relative to some local landmarks and cities in the area. And now I’m getting back nasty messages from various mail systems like this:

This email has violated the RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.
and Quarantine entire message has been taken on 8/4/2009 2:33:29 PM.
Message details:
Recipient: redacted
Subject: 2009-08-03 18:40:50 REVISED: (Mw 6.2) GULF OF CALIFORNIA
29.4 -113.7

Or this:

A message sent from “” to “redacted” with a subject of “2009-08-03 18:40:50 REVISED: (Mw 6.2) GULF OF CALIFORNIA 29.4 -113.7” has been blocked as it contains profane language.

All this because the earthquake happened to be near the town of Guerrero Negro.

I haven’t seen anything like this since the last time we had a big earthquake near the Virgin Islands.

I think this might be an interesting adventure, too

Filed under: — stan @ 6:25 am

Last year I went to the Los Angeles County Fair, and at the time, Susan and I hatched plans to enter my perfect blueberry muffins in the fair this year. Susan is out of the picture now, but the fair is coming up. So I decided to still put the plan into action. And I’ve even improved the recipe a bit since last year.

The contest rules don’t specify that the recipe has to be completely original, but I didn’t want to enter a recipe that I didn’t make up myself. The only exception here is the black walnut bread. That’s my grandmother’s recipe. I’ve never seen it anywhere else, but I didn’t make it up, either. The blueberry muffins and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are my recipes that I’ve developed right here in my own kitchen.

I think this will be an interesting adventure.


One more common thread in our lives

Filed under: — stan @ 9:17 pm

I’ve long been a fan of Sandra Tsing Loh. We have a number of common threads in our lives, starting with being mixed Chinese and German to having physics degrees from major universities to having spent time working at Hughes Aircraft back in the ’80s. And now we have another – Sandra Tsing Loh is getting divorced.

This is rather disturbing to me, but from reading her article, it sounds like she’s accepted the idea that she’s just not interested in being married any more. And I don’t get the impression that she thinks that it’s somehow all her husband’s fault. Which is a good thing.

That said, I’m looking forward to the day when this whole divorce thing can just be a distant memory. Just a speck in the rear-view-mirror of life.


A ride over Mt. Hollywood

Filed under: — stan @ 2:23 pm

Today’s bike ride was an old favorite of mine. Down to Hollywood, then up the hill to Griffith Observatory, and then over Mt. Hollywood to Burbank and the Valley. This was the first time we’ve done this route since last year.

In Los Feliz, we saw a house with an unusual roofing pattern. Then we headed up the hill into the park. At the observatory, I saw solar-powered Botts Dots. I also got my picture taken with the great astronomers.

Heading over the hill into the Valley, we got to enjoy a nice winding downhill. I got some good action shots of Don and John coming down the hill. Then we went to Priscilla’s in Toluca Lake for bagels.

Coming home, we rode across Glendale and then up and over the stupidly steep little hill on Glenoaks before the long grind up Chevy Chase and Linda Vista. Then the nice sweeping downhill to the Rose Bowl, and then back to the park on Orange Grove.

It was a very nice ride.

45 miles.

Saturday night, sanitized

Filed under: — stan @ 1:31 am

Saturday night we went out to one of those redacted parties. You know. The ones that are great fun, but Not Safe For Work, so therefore I don’t write about them in detail here. And this one is no exception. But boy was it fun. Everyone I know was there, and we had a nice time socializing before heading off to ‘dance’ as it were. It was a fun night.

Now I’m going to write some more random stuff just to fill out the post with a bit more black. I think that’s what it needs, right? It just doesn’t look like so much fun if the black is just a small area. So I need to put in more blather here. Since, well, you know, this is just a tease. But if you want to know the real story, come bike riding with me. It’s really a very entertaining story. It’s what has saved my soul through this whole spirit-crushing divorce drama. And it’s the reason I don’t hate Texas any more.


Words to live by

Filed under: — stan @ 5:16 pm

Saw this on Violet Blue.

Noodling around on a Saturday morning

Filed under: — stan @ 12:22 pm

On Saturday morning, I unexpectedly found myself with a couple of hours free. So I went for a bike ride. I went with John from the Sunday group, since he had been planning on doing a short ride, too. We met up near the Rose Bowl and rode down to South Pasadena. Then up and over the hill with the water tower. Then back up the arroyo to the Rose Bowl, and up Linda Vista to La Cañada. We took the bike path back across the dam there, which was new to me. That had a nice view of JPL and the arroyo. Then we headed home by way of Altadena.

It was a very pleasant little ride.

25 miles.


Monday evening on my bike

Filed under: — stan @ 9:41 pm

On Monday, I had a rare free evening, so I went riding. I did my usual route down to South Pasadena, up the hill to the water tower, and then down to the Rose Bowl. I rode around the Bowl a few times. Along the way, I saw an attractive young girl with some major tattoos running there. That’s a sight that always brightens up my day. I also met a guy who had more stickers on his bike than I do. After a few times around, I headed home by my usual route through Altadena. It was a very pleasant way to spend the evening.

30 miles.


Cirque Berzerk again

Filed under: — stan @ 11:51 pm

cirque berserk
Last month, I went to see Cirque Berzerk. I liked it a lot, and I told Lucinda about it. And after hearing about it, she wanted to see it. Since the show had been extended into August, we had a chance, and we went tonight.

She thought that the crowd was pretty amusing. A lot like the crowds she’s seen when she went to tattoo conventions with me. And the show was great fun. She said that her favorite was the trampoline act, but that she liked all the acrobatics. It was a fun little evening, even if it did make for kind of a late night for us.

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