I actually had to use my car today
It rained today. This is the tail end of the rainy season here in SoCal, and this winter hasn’t been particularly wet. Today was the first day in over a year that it’s been raining hard enough that I didn’t want to ride my bike to work. I checked my calendar, and the last time I drove to work was January 10, 2005. Every time I drive my car to work, I root for it to rain hard. If the sun comes out I feel like an idiot. But today it rained. Not quite to Biblical levels, but still hard enough that I was glad to not have to ride in it.
Caltech recently started charging for parking, and just last week I found out that as a bike commuter I could get three free parking passes a month. So the timing was good. Still, it was kind of sad to break such a long streak.
And to top it off, I had to buy gas on the way home. On average, I only buy gas about four times a year, and so I’m always a bit shocked at the price. But now my car is back in the garage, and I’m hoping to leaving it there for at least a month.
March 30th, 2006 at 4:52 pm
Oddly enough, the last time i rode my bike to work was.. Jan 10th! (I kid you not – 1 of 3 times I’ve done so in the 7 years I’ve been at this job) And I live 3 miles from work!
I was feeling guilty from my holiday feeding frenzy and decided I needed to tone the body that only sitting in front of a PC 12 hours a day can build. Yes, the trek down Duarte Rd. was treacherous. Yes, I got dirty. Yes, i was sweaty when I got into the office. Yes I rode on the sidewalk (gasp). But I rode.
I must hang my head in shame.
April 1st, 2006 at 12:53 am
You think YOU had rani. HA! All’s well on the Big Island though..