Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Barbie Trail-Rider

Filed under: — stan @ 10:16 am

lucinda ridingLucinda got a $100 bill from Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas. Such is the joy of being the only grandchild in the whole family. So she decided she wanted to buy one of the Barbie Power Wheels cars. We told her that $100 probably wasn’t enough, but she wanted to look. She Mommy took her to Toys-R-Us. They had the Trail Rider there and it was a floor model and the last one. So they haggled a bit with the manager and got the price down to where Lucinda could afford it. She had to throw in the money from her piggy bank at home, but she had enough. So now she’s a happy little rider.

One Response to “Barbie Trail-Rider”

  1. LuvsPowerWheelsToys Says:

    Omg that story is adorable. I was just reading a little on the history of power wheels toys and came across your post. Too cute, and reminded me of my first Barbie Power Wheels Jeep. Absolutely loved that thing and credit it with some very fond memories of my sister and I playing together. 🙂

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