Stan’s Obligatory Blog


Filed under: — stan @ 7:07 pm

Lucinda had a sleep-over at Aunt Maggi’s house this weekend. On the way down on Saturday, we went to Irvine Regional Park in Orange. We went through the little zoo there and Lucinda spent some time climbing on a fallen tree. On Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa came over the Aunt Maggi’s house. They all went to the park and fed the ducks.

Pictures from Irvine Regional Park:

Ghost in the Universe

Filed under: — stan @ 7:06 pm

Went to hear Taner Edis give his talk, “The Ghost in the Universe” at the Skeptics Society today. He laid out the case for why the universe and science do not give us any evidence for the existence of God. For more information about this, see Taner’s web page at

Afterward, we went to Aunt Maggi’s house to pick up Lucinda after her sleep-over.

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